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  • josephdibiaseactin

Getting Caught Up

I figured it’s time to post a little update!

I have officially graduated from my BFA program! So mark that as my 7th degree! With that, I have closed my finally show at WVU,  road tripped to NYC, done my senior showcase, saw a broadway show, caught pneumonia, and seen my family. It was a full couple of weeks to say the least, and it’s something I would not change in the slightest. Well maybe the pneumonia part! I mean I went 4 years at the university and did not get sick once and then of course as everything is coming to close West Virginia decides to give me a going away present. Thankfully, I was able to power through and walk at graduation, and land a few interviews  from showcase. We all know health is important, but as performers and technicians make sure to double down and take your vitamins!

So what is next!

Well, I have just finished traveling to South Dakota and to the Black Hills Playhouse! Here I will be playing Jonathon/Charles Haversham (The Play That Goes Wrong), Scuttle (The Little Mermaid),  and Aggie (The Best Little Whore House in Texas). I have also been offered the chance to continue to grow as a technician and will be working a crew position on their final show of the season (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime). I am so excited for this summer, and to be working with this company! So if you happen to be near Mount Rushmore or Custer State Park swing by and see the shows cause I have a feeling they are gonna be worth the stop.

So keep your eyes peeled cause rehearsals start today and I will be posting updates as we go along!

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