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General Tech Resume

As A Technician

  I was born and raised in Southern California, and have enjoyed all the wonders that come with growing up outside of LA. Growing up in the theatre, I started wrapping XLR cables at the age of 4. To date I have done close to 180 productions (theatrical, film, corporate, etc.) in positions ranging from Lighting Designer and Stage Manager to Performer. 

  I have worked with former US Secretaries of Defense, and celebrities such as: Alfonso Riberio, Charlie Puth, Ray Parker Jr., and Kandee Johnson. I have also had the privilege of working with notable stage names such as Tony Nominated Director Jeff Calhoun, Tony Award Winning Actor Anthony Crivello, and Writer and Composer Cinco Paul. Working in iconic venues like: the Zephyr Theatre, the Peppermint Club, the House on Sunset, and the Ronald Regan Presidential Library, as well as internationally on the beaches of Cabo San Lucas, has provided me with unique experiences that have helped define my approach to technical work.


  From design to the physical labor of technical work, I hold the belief that it should be collaborative and fun. Over the years I have tried to learn as many different aspects of theatre so that I can better perform in my assigned role, and make those I work with lives' easier. In an industry that is constantly growing and changing it is important to never stop learning. I also have the goal of eventually taking my cumulative knowledge and teaching aspiring young technicians, a goal I have already begun to work towards. 

Joseph DiBiase General Tech Resume (Updated 3.12.24).jpg

Location: Morgantown, WV

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Stage Management Resume

As A Stage Manager

  As a Stage Manager, I feel that the most pertinent thing to do is to maintain a positive and efficient rehearsal and performance space. Creating an environment where actors feel they have enough time to play and discover, directors have support and easy time management, and any production team members not in the rehearsal hall have streamlined and concise updates is something I strive to do. I am adaptable and will adjust any communication styles necessary to best suit those I am working with. Accessibility and care are always top priorities. 

  Teaching technical theatre is something I love to/have had the privilege of doing. Training several handfuls of technicians in high school, middle, as well as local community members. One of my favorite areas of tech to teach is stage management. What are the intricate details that go into developing soft skills of: effective communication and being able to assess, predict, a solve a problem as quickly as possible. 

  Every new experience in any management position is always welcomed as it always another chance to continue to grow and expand any current knowledge.

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                  Lighting Resume

As A Lighting Designer

  As a lighting designer, I like to think of lights as another actor in the show, possibly the best way to describe it is as a supporting role. Sometimes the lights are meant to act in the same fashion as an ensemble member; they are there to provide: context, atmosphere, environment, mood, and focus. Then there are times were the lights have their standout moment where they can provide spectacle through how one chooses to: show the passage of time, encapsulate a button of a song, highlight an actor's shape with an angle of the lights throw. Above all else the lights are there to help tell the story.

  As a designer I love using deep rich colors. Things that can either provide a sense of opulence to a moment or a silk-like quality to how the audience views the space around the actors. However, with these colors I think they should be used intentionally because then how does the absence of color effect the tone of a piece. The inverse is also true, how the addition of rich colors heighten the life of a moment we are living in.

  I believe that any area of lighting has a sense of artistry from programing to board operator. From the way a magic sheet is made and ML controls page is laid out, to how a spot operator closes and fades out on an actor. Lighting is such a prevalent design feature that should be clean and purposeful.

Joseph DiBiase Lighting Resume (Updated 3.5.24).jpg
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